Tony Hanna

Lehigh University
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00:00:00 - Introduction

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Partial Transcript: My name is Tony Hanna, and I am the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Bethlehem and have been for the past eight years...

Segment Synopsis: Tony introduces himself and describes his career in the City of Bethlehem.

Keywords: Bethlehem (Pa.); economic development; local government

00:00:34 - Can you describe the casino debates?

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Partial Transcript: I think the debates about the casino were really centered around 2 things. What Bethlehem was, how everyone perceived the city, with its religious founding...

Segment Synopsis: Tony describes that people were opposed to the development of the casino because of its impact on the city's identity, but the economic benefits outweighed concerns.

Keywords: Bethlehem (Pa.); Bethlehem Steel Corporation; anti-gambling; casino debates; economic development; historic preservation; identity; local government; pro-gaming; religion; steel industry

00:01:46 - Can you describe tax increment financing for those less familiar with public finance?

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Partial Transcript: Back in 1999 the Bethlehem Steel Corporation helped the City of Bethlehem to craft something called a Tax-Incremental Financing District (TIFD)...

Segment Synopsis: Tony explains how the TIFD allowed for improved infrastructure in South Bethlehem.

Keywords: Bethlehem (Pa.); Bethlehem Steel Corporation; Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem; SteelStacks; Third Street; arts and culture; economics; local government; tax revenue

00:03:50 - When redeveloping the former Bethlehem Steel site, what were some of the main goals and outcomes?

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Partial Transcript: We believed that we needed more. More than just a gaming site there. It’s a large site. And so the other aspects of the site plan were to try to introduce housing, other commercial uses, obviously arts and culture. We wanted to create a sense of place, and I think in SteelStacks we really started to use some of the lessons of placemaking...

Segment Synopsis: Tony describes the ways the City of Bethlehem leveraged the casino development into more placemaking opportunities.

Keywords: ArtsQuest; Bethlehem (Pa.); Bethlehem Steel Corporation; Hoover-Mason Trestle; Northampton Community College; Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem; South Bethlehem (Pa.); SteelStacks; affordable housing; arts and culture; blast furnaces; dining; education; employment; retail; tax revenue

00:05:57 - How did the Las Vegas Sands Corporation make possible previously unavailable opportunities for development of the former Bethlehem Steel site?

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Partial Transcript: The original master plan for Bethlehem Steel for that site as part of the act 2 thing was the ore yard, probably one of the more compromised, dirtiest portions of the brownfield where the ore was stored. There's a big ore crane that used to load up cars, take iron ore, coke, limestone and move that on the ore cars and take it down to the blast furnaces and turn it into steel...

Segment Synopsis: Tony describes how the casino development remediated the former brownfield site that was once an ore pit.

Keywords: Bethlehem (Pa.); Bethlehem Steel Corporation; Las Vegas Sands Corporation; Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem; South Bethlehem (Pa.); casino industry; city planning; development; economic development; ore bridge; steel industry; steelmaking; tax revenue

00:08:08 - Why do you think that the Las Vegas Sands Corporation sold the casino?

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Partial Transcript: I think the Sands lost interest in Bethlehem, and obviously they lost it enough to want to sell the casino, but I think they lost interest in Bethlehem and I think the Bethlehem model. We were an outlier for them when they first developed this...

Segment Synopsis: Tony describes how Sands Bethlehem became an "anomaly" for the Corporation after they began expanding their interests in Asia.

Keywords: Bethlehem (Pa.); Las Vegas Sands Corporation; Macao; Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem; Singapore; South Bethlehem (Pa.); casino industry; deindustrialization